5 cities.

Even though the long flight to UK was never a favourite, the adventures me and my family had were worth while. We visited 5 cities for this trip, and every city gave me different opportunities of ways and angles of taking pictures. A lot of patience, awkward body poses and being constantly left behind were achieved in the process of taking the pictures I wanted to take. Not all of them came out as I wanted them to be and as far as pictures could show you; they do not justify on all the beauty I have witnessed. Although, some of the pictures I am happy with will be posted in this blog. In this post, the pictures are, somehwat a ‘sneak peek’ of what sort of things I will be posting in the near future. I hope you all know that I do not claim myself as a pro photographer and I do not own fancy smancy cameras (just yet), I mostly use my phone and digital camera. So these pictures you will see are just pictures I liked taking and editing. The apps I used are vsco, afterlight and aviary. I hope ya’ll will have a lovely day/night.






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